ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

HDMH Backup sign in Binder

Hi all –

As discussed at our HDMH ER group meeting, I have created a binder with ‘sign-in’ sheets in order to help us document our back-up calls.  It is a white binder, clearly labelled, located on the shelf behind the ‘captain’s chair’ .  When you are called in on back-up, please remember to grab this binder and sign in. It should be fairly self-explanatory (name, date, time, reason for call-in i.e. how many patients waiting). The more we remember to do this the better our data will be!

This should help us defend our back-up usage if god-forbid the ministry ever tries to claw back our funding, and it may be able to help us identify some trends about our high-needs times.

If the Bracebridge group is interested in doing something similar let me know.




  1. Kirsten Jewell says:

    Update to above: at the SMMH ER group meeting this morning there was interest in keeping a similar record in Bracebridge. I have a 1 inch WHITE binder labelled “Back-up log” that contains the sign-in sheets. Perhaps we can leave it next to the pile of folders that contain the ‘sticker’ & billing sheets.

    I won’t be in Bracebridge again for 2 weeks so if anyone from Huntsville is driving down for a shift before then and wants to take it with them please let me know!

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