ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream


Please code any overdose as much as possible on your diagnosis line!
We need this for our coders who are struggling…

“Overdose – suspect fentanyl”
or “Overdose – mixed without opiod” are two examples

cleary chart if you gave narcan as they are looking for this and if there is a response to narcan.

Add a progress note to put your d/c diagnosis if you don’t have room.

Also – don’t just write “MVC” or “pain” as a discharge diagnosis but rather more useful is” 1) MVC 2) Whiplash – neck 3) contussion left arm, left chest” as an example.
and instead of “pain” write “pain – acute on chronic left shoulder” as an example.

Our coders are struggling and the more we can take a moment to specify what we can helps them and actually helps our hospital funding!!

Thanks team

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