ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Criticall documentation sheet

Hello again,

It was requested by our internal medicine colleagues at rounds a few months back that we clearly document our conversations with specialists (especially neurosurgeons) via Criticall on the chart of patients that are being admitted for monitoring at our hospitals.  Specifically, the inpatient doc needs to know who we spoke with and their recommendations for follow-up. This information too easily gets lost in the busy ER chart, so I have created a template sheet to use that will hopefully make this easier (and remind us what to ask on the phone!).  It can be used for other specialist consults as well (i.e. ortho) and should be stickered and included in the patient chart.

Copies of these template sheets can be found in the drawer to the right of the physicians desk in Huntsville under the (scribbled) label “Criticall”.  I will be bringing copies to Bracebridge today to include in the physician resource drawer there too. Please let me know if you have or hear feedback about these forms – is there any way to make them better/more useful?


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