ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Archives for November 2016


Please order salbutamol news with mg’s not amps…..

Two different strengths floating around.

We also have very, very little in terms of supply overall ( as you will have seen memo today)….

Please consider use MDI’s with aerochamber when ever possible!!

The studies suggest this is probably best practice anyways!



Hi all,

Just bringing your attention to the Charcoal issue…
you will see the memo…

Bottom line is pharmacy can’t guarantee that it works like that we are used too and we have limited supply…

Use only when clear potential aid/poison control suggests…

many hospitals in same boat…



Hi all,
Just a reminder to fill in time you see patient and disposition times ( many , many of the disposition times in particular are left empty).

It is okay to put your deposition time for patients you are gonna admit as soon as you make that decision too ( whether orders done /mrp contacted/etc or not…).


Our health record staff thank you!
