ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Archives for December 2016

consultant times

Please write down time that you call consultants and ask for them to see a patient as data is actively being colected on this.

If you know what time they arrive to see a patient write that on the chart too.

If you mutually agree on a time to see patient then write that on the chart.

Just a reminder.


Fentanyl warning!!

HI all,

Please be aware that our drug screens do not pick up fentanyl!

Also – be aware that different isomers of fentanyl are in our community and have different metabolism times!!

I am working with the lab re: our drug testing but be aware.

Any patient that is decreased LOA with response to narcan consider observing for several hours.

Hopefully more details /specifics to come.


reindeer missing

Hi there fellow South Muskoka Docs….!

My Christmas Reindeer filled with almonds has gone missing….( the great SMER nursing present!)

I know it is proabably just someone looking out for my health but I need my reindeer.

