ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Archives for October 2018

MOCK codes

Our code committee needs to do at least one mock code ( blue or pink or …) per year.

If called please make every effort to present yourself as the ED doc.
If you are super busy you can literally show up and then explain you need to leave!

Huge value in just getting there as that is what they are trying to track ( ie who comes, what equipment comes and what doesn’t, etc) more so than actually the content of the code.
If you are able to run things they are cases made on real scenarios and always good practice!!!

If you are doing a resuscitation and can’t go then just get someone to send that message to the team running the Mock!

Thanks for your support in these!


D/C instructions

Hi all,

Just closing a complaint that has brought to front how important our discharge messaging is!!

The patient and mom understand clearly heard that a fracture could be missed on first ED visit from the verbal discharge instructions, by the ED doc, ( due to growth plates) but didn’t seek care for over three weeks after the initial injury because it ” was getting better slowly” and they understood it shouldn’t be if a break was missed.

It was actually a missed tibial fracture by the ED doc and radiologist. It is clearly on the x-ray but is a commonly missed break in this case!

If they had been told “if still any pain in one week to 10 days see an MD” that would have prevented a delayed presentation of a missed fracture.
That is now how specific I have become on my discharge instructions and I think super helpful for all to hear about this case.

ALSO – reminder to use written d/c instructions whenever possible!! In HDMH I am even sending our PA away to write these up for me and then when ready bring them to me to edit or give to patient.


MD Names

Please write your name in the attending MD spot for all patients you see!!
Switchboard and med records is struggling!
Its our responsibility.

It needs to legible too!!



Please always right the time you see a patient.
Our complaince with this is dropping and leads to huge issues for coding and data tracking.
It may be even tied to funding again at some point!

Please write the PIA time ( along with your name) on every patietn’s chart you see!

THank you
