ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Admissons of patients with NP primary care

Hi all,

if you are admitting a patient with a primary care NP to Bracebridge please ask…

Do they know what MD they are assigned too? ( all have been assigned to a MD and should have a card with that). This is not true of the patients at the NP led clinic in Huntsville as they are a different model of primary care ( L Lefebvre, A Kitchen, M and C Dove, A Erickson).

if that MD looks after inpatients then you may be admitting to that MD ( or the MD covering) instead of orphan MD.

if patient doesn’t know what MD they are rostered to then a phone call to the NP office may provide that.

In Huntsville ( with our inpatient system) this is not needed.


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