We have ET stabilizers…
not all RT’s and staff are using regularly…
They are only $6 each so please use them every time.
We had a case recently that the ET tube was dislodged and patient arrested as this was trying to be fixed.
We have ET stabilizers…
not all RT’s and staff are using regularly…
They are only $6 each so please use them every time.
We had a case recently that the ET tube was dislodged and patient arrested as this was trying to be fixed.
Hi all,
Further feedback about this new trial of primary med histories and BPMH’s…..
1) Any issues with BPMH process send direct to Danette in pharmacy.
2) when admitting – if you know the meds are correct and feel you can order them – please do!
3) ed nurses or staff can do BPMH’s and can print you the forms as before if they have the two sources and the time – SO….USE those for admits if a BPMH is done.
AND…most importantly….
4) when admitting – in your handover – clearly tell the doc you admitting to what status the meds are in….then WE can never go wrong.
The delays created in not ordering meds is terrible ( I say this having been orphan doc last week). More staff is supposed to be coming on to do more of the BPMH work but still need to be hired!
Hi all,
We have been finally approved to get King Video scopes in both er’s!
A rumour is about that some ER docs donated money to buy them….but the hospital isn’t sure….
I don’t know anything about donations.
If you have can you please email me asap !
reminder Trillium Gift of Live talk!
May 24th.
Dr Ian Bell leading the conversation and dinner included!!
Please consider coming!
The last meeting was great!
Open to all.
RSVP decline is the 15th!
HI all,
It has become very apparent recently that ED docs are using the “assessment time box” on the ED factsheet differently…
Should it be ” time we physically see patient”?
or ” time we know about patient”?
or “time we know about patient if we are giving orders on patient”?
I think we should all use the box the SAME for a variety of reasons…including capturing ED times ( PIA times), data for use in chart audits and MQA review to name three.
Does anyone have strong opinions about how we should use??
I have always used it for ” time I physically see the patient” to let you know what I do.
I am not saying this is right or best….
Please way in or I could put out a doodle poll?
Forwarded on behalf of Dr Rich Trenholm to us….
Please make sure you have all registered for OTN so you can actively use as this program is gonna be expanding….!
Call Way Lerm or Cindy at the OTN office if you aren’t registered.
This is your second reminder.
Hi all,
We hit a couple of challenges recently with admits to family docs at SMMH so I asked the new co chair of family Practice to clarify the admit process…
he said
“I was able to get input from most of the FMD and the majority are satisfied with the current system of being notified in the am of most admissions, unless if there is no internal medicine coverage and the patient may be of moderate complexity ( or worse) and they are considering admitting to them, then they would like a call. Overall the feeling is that the ER MD’s are doing well currently with assessing this and no change is required.”
Just to try and clarify.
In case you are interested…
Week 11 flu …is on the drop…
take a look at last year compared to this year.
remember that the “quick test accuracy” isn’t great. Joe Gleeson expressed concern to me and Kersti about this suggesting we remind each other of this and consider tamiflu for the “at risk person” we admit that may have a negative quick flu test.
I think we all know this but…..
Hi all,
Really useful summary of points about MD decision fatigue in EM rap this month….
In case you don’t subscribe I’ll post in both ER’s.
I think alot of practice tips that many of us live by and may or may not voice to each other.
The days I try to live by more of these the more I enjoy what I do and feel that I am actually providing good care.
Group hug now.
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