ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream


Hi everyone,

Halburton Er is short docs and will send me openings as they have to pass on to our groups….

Nice drive, nice place to work , condo on the water to stay over if you want ( free).

I can hook you up with Greg K by email if anyoen interested!

October 1,2,12,19,31 night shifts are available. ( 14 hrs each)
> Some might be able to turn into 24 hrs if desired.


electronic orders

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incarcerated hiatus hernia

Hi Gang,

Rare – but can be deadly.

The MQA committee requested I remind ED docs about this diagnosis. We have had two cases at South Muskoka ( known about) in just over the last year. Both patients died at home within hours of being in the emergency room. One in her 90’s and one in her 70’s.

In doing a literature search I really can’t find very consistent incidence rates….however…this is just a reminder to consider this diagnosis….

I thought this little snip from a case report was easy and helpful…

“Even though incarcerated hiatus hernias are rare, it is important to consider them as a differential diagnosis for many surgical and medical presentations. The consequence of a delayed or missed diagnosis may be disastrous and the possible alternatives can be equally as important. These include acute coronary syndromes, acute respiratory pathology, intestinal perforation, aortic rupture or dissection and pancreatitis. Chest X-ray can provide clues such as left sided pulmonary effusion, visible large hernia above the diaphragm and pneumoperitoneum or mediastinum . Given the potential heterogeneity in both the presentation and interpretation of the assessing physician, liaising of both medical and surgical specialities is paramount. Traditionally an emergency laparotomy is performed but hiatus hernias are more frequently repaired electively and as an emergency through laparoscopic techniques .”

I think it will be for us to think about and diagnose ,or suggest to consider, to our specialist peers. Just my thoughts though.


Cerner/Powerchart instructions

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second on call letter from MOH

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Bougie aided Cric

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Bougie Aided Cric

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second on call

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Hey fellow Muskoka Er docs,

Just a little update..

We still have no confirmation of funding for summer overlap shifts.
We still have no confirmation of PA funding past march 2015.
We still are at risk of loosing our half hour overlap funding.
We still are adjusting to currently no PA in Huntsville.
We still have HFO and have met many new good docs.

We are almost done donning/doffing training.
We have a schedule that is likely to look better soon.
We have a good compliment of summer locums lining up and some new folks coming to try us as a new home.

Tyler is confirmed to start in July!

Doron F has started some shifts on his own having finished the mentorship program! Jeff P has integrated well into our group! Eli Miller will be starting soon!

Any questions just ask. Thought I would mix the gloom with the bright. We are currently advocating heard at the LHIN level to help get some P4R money to MAHC!!



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