ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Dr Brule admits

Morning all,

Dr Bruce did agree to start looking after any patients admitted that he has met and accepted to his practice.
He needs to have met them and accepted them. Being on his list or having called to meet him is not enough.

You can direct patients needing a primary care practitioner to the Algonquin family Health team number and they will register with direct them to Dr Brule ( or others when he is full).
I have directed a few direct to his office and that is okay too.

One number is probably easier to hand out though. Algonquin family Health team 705-787-0846


open shift 1 – 7pm tomorrow Huntsville

Hi all,

Please let me know if you can work any (or all) of 1 – 7 overlap tomorrow in Huntsville!
It will make life better for all.
We had a misunderstanding about funding.
it is funded so lets try and fill it.

Just text or email me direct and I will coordinate coverage.
medevision is stupid right now and won’t let me post it!


new MD in 2018

Hi All,

Just wanted to give a heads up that Dr Nelson Matyasovszky has expressed his formal interest in making Muskoka home after finishing his third year in ER training ( in june 2018). I have met with him a couple times and he has talked to several of you too!!

Many of us know Nelson and I think he wood be a great addition to our ED groups as needed.

He is open to working in either site!

Nelson has already committed to do a family practice locum in the fall of 2018 and so will be here!

Nelson is looking for more shifts next July, august ( maybe 10 to 12 or so a month) then maybe 6 or 7 a month while doing his locum. Then the future awaits!

Nelson is working Huntsville ER this august so please welcome him to town as new med staff peer for next year as you see him!!


CT’s Huntsville


Weekdays …no need to call rad till after 9pm to protocol or get approval for CT’s.
(no longer 3pm)

Evening functions like days now.

Can’t get same for Bracebridge yet as CT tech not onsite…
working on it.


blood cultures

Hi all,

Our lab is bursting with blood cultures ( over capacity of our machines actually)!!

Please remember to cancel blood cultures if you don’t need them!
Our sepsis panel is generating alot of cultures (ordered by nursing and MD’s)….!

Just a heads up as they are doing their best to keep up but with considerable expense and extra time by lab staff.

The blood culture main machine is not very old and was bought with a “200 percent capacity” to what was thought to be needed to have a buffer and we are still over that.

just a heads up.


Riita Cronkright

Hi all,

Er nurse Riita in Bracebridge recently lost her husband…

Here is Nancy Andrews email…

Hello all,
I’m sad to let you know that Riitta’s husband Steve passed away this weekend. As most of you know, he had been sick for some time. There will be no service for him for now, but she is considering a celebration of life at a later date. In the mean time, we have started a collection envelope. It will be in the drawer with our personal files. Some ideas for use of the collection are a donation to a butterfly conservation charity, or perhaps, since Riitta appreciates tattoo art, to contribute to a memorial tattoo in Steve’s honour. Any other ideas are welcome.

Nancy Andrews, RN
Clinical Team Lead, ER
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
South Muskoka Memorial Hospital
(705) 645-4404
Ext. 3173

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ET stabilizers

We have ET stabilizers…
not all RT’s and staff are using regularly…

They are only $6 each so please use them every time.

We had a case recently that the ET tube was dislodged and patient arrested as this was trying to be fixed.

med histories

Hi all,

Further feedback about this new trial of primary med histories and BPMH’s…..

1) Any issues with BPMH process send direct to Danette in pharmacy.
2) when admitting – if you know the meds are correct and feel you can order them – please do!
3) ed nurses or staff can do BPMH’s and can print you the forms as before if they have the two sources and the time – SO….USE those for admits if a BPMH is done.

AND…most importantly….

4) when admitting – in your handover – clearly tell the doc you admitting to what status the meds are in….then WE can never go wrong.

The delays created in not ordering meds is terrible ( I say this having been orphan doc last week). More staff is supposed to be coming on to do more of the BPMH work but still need to be hired!

Great Ultrasound Tips from Castlefest

If you’re an ultrasound geek these tips are da bomb

click here

? King video some donations

Hi all,

We have been finally approved to get King Video scopes in both er’s!

A rumour is about that some ER docs donated money to buy them….but the hospital isn’t sure….

I don’t know anything about donations.

If you have can you please email me asap !
