ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

suture kits

Hi all,

A little healthy reminder!!

We have 12 autoclaved re-usable suture kits in each ER!! Don’t throw out!!

We have disposable as a back-up and will be upgrading the needle driver. Every non – surgical weekend at your host site we have no way to clean instruments and hence the back-up!!

You will need to add a sterile towel( packaged on own) and 4 by 4’s as you want at the moment. Packaging may change in the near future.

We also have many more sterilized individual re-usable instruments at both sites ( mosquitos, Kelly’s etc…)
If you aren’t sure if an instrument is disposable or not then don’t throw out as MDRS will sort….

If you see someone “borrowing” our equipement they shoudl sign it out with the clerk/lead nurse and bring back too!!


Organ donation for ED docs/internists info

Hi everyone,

Please see the attached ! Dr Dave Johnston asked me to invite all ER docs in Huntsville and Bracebridge!!
not drug sponsored but FOOD and info!

Muskoka May 31info

Suture KITS!

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smmh ct

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Hi all,

Just wanted to make sure that you are aware you can use olis anytime from your cerner screen to see old labs for patients
done in any community lab ( actually I was just able to see labs from Sunnybrook ).
Make sure that your blue arrow is on the patient you want then click olis. Change your date selection as needed.


suture kits – feedback now !!

Hi everyone,

Many of you are aware we have been waiting several months for improvements in our suture supplies ( namely a better disposable kit or idealy autoclaved real equipment!!).

Kersti, Dave M, Pierre and myself are all very dissatisfied with the current kits and have expressed this to admin. With many delays and frustration building I need you all to way in…

Who is not happy with the current kits? Do you like the poor quality needle driver and forceps? or have no issue with it?

Please let me know asap and respond either way.

I have the four names on the list already as above in addition to Jen ( NP) and Bob (PA).


ONTC update

ONTC_Project_Update_Feb_2016 (2)

Hi everyone,

ONTC update….
I have feed back to them two issues with transfer delay for confirmed life/limb…..
If you have issues let me know and we can give feedback!


Happy March break….

two things…

1) please call all internists and surgeons to arrange urgent or semi-urgent care for patients ( in – town is what I am referring too) so they can help triage and plan when to see a patient. we have had a few referrals done ( example – asking for stress test with- in a week) and the specialist is actually gonna be away and can’t do that…. I have received direct feedback to pass on that a phone call to arrange these things is the way to go.

2) plastics in the LHIN still has holes in coverage as we all know!! No one is planning on getting more plastics yet…. A task force is still meeting around this…but no luck yet…
If not ” emergent” then I write referral and call myself or have Bob (HDMH) or Jennifer (SMMH) call the next day plastics on call…
If emergent…I have tried Southlake a couple times recent and they have been helpfull. In the past this has not been the case though.
Some docs are just packaging the patient and telling them to go an er that does have plastics given no one is on call in the LHIN. Jan has received feedback that this is not ideal and other ER’s ( OSMH and RVH) have complained about this.
I am just the messenger here….although not ideal I will always advocate for the patient and if that means doing this last option to get them care they need …so be it…I think as a group we try to make the best arrangement for the patient but when all else fails…we gotta get them care….


SMMH CT scanner

Hi All,

So…portable Ct arrival today to Bracebridge and patients will be using starting on monday.

New Ct scanner to be up and ready for pateints april 6th!

critical week is march 29 to april 6 when there is no CT scanner working at Bracebridge site! None! This has to do with only being able to power one Ct at a time and the new one will be being tested.

Just giving this info as a heads up!! Transport of patients that week to HDMH for CT will take place and full logistics of this are still being worked out.
I will keep you posted!!

Starting monday though a CT tech will need to be called in for all CT’s ( including heads) after 3:30 as the tech on x-ray can’t be out at the portable ct too whiel needing to be in hospital in x-ray. Just again a heads up. I don’t think clinical practice needs to change but soem delay may happen due to CT tech needing to come in.



cerner ER MRP/attending

Hi everyone,

All er clerks and registration staff are now supposed to be aware to re-assign ER patients to a new ER md at shift change if you let them know ( starts officially today feb 15).

I suggest printing the cerner screen at shift change and circling the patients to change the attending too. Only change patients not seen yet in the department or waiting room.

This will help get labs/DI/etc to the docs involved in care.

If you are coming in as back-up you can advise the clerk or registration as you pick up charts if you can.

any questions…let me know…