Hi All,
When writing orders for admission please always use the orderset having to do with the number one reason for admission!
I am currently auditing this.
Reason being…
1) QBP is being tracked and are built into order sets. Orderset use clearly triggers a cascade of things with need to be doing as a hospital that the ministry is tracking.
2) very soon…hospital funding is gonna be tied to performance on QBP practices.
This is brought up repeatedly at MAC now and re-discussed yesterday again.
I am happy to talk to anyone to explain more if needed.
Is it possible not to have boxes “pre-checked” on the order sets? I think this is an ongoing area of frustration for all involved.
Hey Dan,
We can ask for all “pre-checks” to be removed on all ordersets for sure if majority want that?
I’ll ask Pierre to put on next bussiness meeting agenda or I guess I coudl send out a doodle pool with that question? what do you think?
The pre-checked boxes don’t seem to bother me at all… in fact, it draws my attention to the area and then un-check if appropriate. I guess, as an “order set heavy hitter” I kinda have them all memorized by now?!! I wouldn’t be sad if they were all unchecked either…