ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Radiology contacts!

Hi all,

Please start to use the electronic schedule for who to call when you need to speak to a radiologist.
There is a permananet link on the MAHC homepage (right hand bottom MAHC radiologist schedule).

So – just click on internet – get our homepage which is the default and then one click shows you who to call.

This is the most up to date radiologist list always!!
We have had a few calls ( and delayed return calls) recently due to not using the most up to date schedule.

If you can’t find just ask me and I will show you.

We will soon be getting rid of the paper schedules…SOON!…as they are impossible to keep up todate

Just like we use medevison as our most up to date schedule ..this is what the rads use and they have asked us to only use this schedule as the one you trust.


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