Hi all,
Er nurse Riita in Bracebridge recently lost her husband…
Here is Nancy Andrews email…
Hello all,
I’m sad to let you know that Riitta’s husband Steve passed away this weekend. As most of you know, he had been sick for some time. There will be no service for him for now, but she is considering a celebration of life at a later date. In the mean time, we have started a collection envelope. It will be in the drawer with our personal files. Some ideas for use of the collection are a donation to a butterfly conservation charity, or perhaps, since Riitta appreciates tattoo art, to contribute to a memorial tattoo in Steve’s honour. Any other ideas are welcome.
Nancy Andrews, RN
Clinical Team Lead, ER
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
South Muskoka Memorial Hospital
(705) 645-4404
Ext. 3173
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