ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

med histories

Hi all,

Further feedback about this new trial of primary med histories and BPMH’s…..

1) Any issues with BPMH process send direct to Danette in pharmacy.
2) when admitting – if you know the meds are correct and feel you can order them – please do!
3) ed nurses or staff can do BPMH’s and can print you the forms as before if they have the two sources and the time – SO….USE those for admits if a BPMH is done.

AND…most importantly….

4) when admitting – in your handover – clearly tell the doc you admitting to what status the meds are in….then WE can never go wrong.

The delays created in not ordering meds is terrible ( I say this having been orphan doc last week). More staff is supposed to be coming on to do more of the BPMH work but still need to be hired!

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