ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Archives for January 2015

Ocular Ultrasound Applications

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Advanced Ultrasound Applications

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PA’s/MD coverage


It has become clear….

PA funding is still up in the air starting april 1st. We stand to loose 2 PA’s positions at Huntsville and one at Bracebridge very, very soon. Natalie has written to the MOH at the end of Nov and followed-up with them recently to have NO response about future funding for PA’s. If we want PA’s the groups need to consider what to do!

Double coverage this summer ( six hour shifts on fri/sat/sun/holiday mondays) will not be funded this summer!! It was P4R money which is no longer as of end of fiscial year. Think of the impact on patient access to care, wait times, job enjoyment, sanity, back-up call in…to name a few.

I am deeply worried about both these issues. I have expressed my concerns on every front as director!! Every front including the timely ER evaluation happening right now!!

Everyone should consider the impact of these two things and start dialogue amongst each group and to our DPR’s. ASAP, ASAP.


Narcotic Care

Hi All,

We have had an issue at both er’s involving narcotic accountability.
PLEASE: always get narcotics/controlled substances through nursing so they can chart and account for all meds. They are now using a “two nurse” sign off system.
PLEASE: Never take narcotics/controlled substances out yourself.

I know this may seem silly if we verbaly tell staff what what are doing but if we just don’t access these meds ourselves we will never be on the hook if some is unaccounted for!!


The Supreme Court on Medical Negligence and Standard of Care: Ter Neuzen v Korn (1995)

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IV Antibiotics – the bad news

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Articles of Interest

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Hi all,
Happy New Year!!
Without trying to sound like a broken record….
the next donning/doffing training is Jan 6th at HDMH.
If you have not attended a training session and can’t amke it to these please let me know!!