ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

Archives for June 2018


Hey Hunstville Ed docs
Bob called in and is away sick this week.
just fyi

Toronto Event Physician Opportunity

My neighbour works with the first aid/paramedic services for public events. Her email is below. Please let me know if you are interested!


We’re covering bud light digital dreams at Bud stage this weekend and we just had a doc back out. I was wondering if you could think of any ER docs that would be interested in working?

Hours: 3:00pm to midnight on Sunday June 24th

$1100 for the day.

Mileage to and from the event or a hotel room at the x in Toronto for the Sunday night.

Companion package for any concert at bud stage

We ask they have a conversation with our medical direction team.

Admission plans

I have been asked by both team leads to remind MD’s admitting patients to just ask the team lead in either site where you are admitting a patient to before you call a new MRP.
This will ensure you know what site a patient will be getting admitted too!
Lots of patients recently going to best bed available ( and shifting sites)

It will save you time and extra calls.


KING vision demo

Reminder – today 1:30 to 2:30 Bracebridge ER and 3:30 to 4:40 Huntsville
is King Vision demo by company rep in both Er’s.
Stop by for a quick orientation!!!
They are now in both ER”S!!