ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

A few updates

1) Bracebridge new CT scanner destruction/construction to begin feb 29/2016. Portable CT to be on site and working while changeover.
2) Please write orders AS SOON as you plan to admit someone to facilitate transfer to floor/icu/etc. Gridlock policy being revised and hopeful to have deliverables to include expected times to admit. If MRP In hospital consider asking them to come and write orders! I just wore the MRP hat for a week for orphan inpatients in Huntsville. We should ask them to come admit more.
3)ER charts for admitted patients – process being worked through to have this scanned too into cerner….It is happening some…..Nancy (SMMH) and Kathy (HDMH)…working on.
4)MRP signover at end of shift on cerner!!! Coming….will help stop some unnecessary duplication of test results to you for patients that you never saw.

Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Megan Stephenson says:

    I just want to highlight John’s comment above in #2 about asking the MRP to write admit orders. He specifically indicates that this could work if the MRP is IN HOSPITAL. It won’t work otherwise if the MRP is in their office, on a home visit, at a nursing home, in the OR, in bed, etc. etc. and will lead to delays in admission. I know ER docs writing admit orders is not standard practice but we LOVE our ED colleagues for all the hard work they do!!!

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