ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream

journal club sept 21st

Journal club !!! HDDMH and SMMH!!!
all mds welcome!!

sept 21st 6- 9
John’s house, 677 sky hills road just off ravens cliff
take ravens cliff road ( muskoka 2 on highway too) west to sky hills.
turn left on sky hills.
we are on left 3 km in.

it won’t be snowy yet so my driveway should be okay.

Please rsvp to me so I can have food/beverages on hand. rsvp no later than sept 14.
perhaps some MDs want to carpool to enjoy a little wine!


out of country narcotics

Hi all,
Just a little reminder..
If someone out of country or doesn’t have a valid healthcare….

You need to put drivers license number/passport number ( some valid picture id) on narcotic prescriptions.

There have been several calls about this recent.



Hi everyone,

In looking ahead to the next year there are a few docs who would like to be away for a month or so for a variety of reasons.

In the interest of planning Kirsten and I feel that putting up a master sheet /board/calendar may be a huge aid to not have many overlap leaves if possible.

Individuals can write up the times they are hoping to be away and that then means that it may help avoid many away at one time.

A GOOD EXAMPlE…is if I know that 3 docs are away at the same time ( say even for a week) then rather taking the same week of I would /could consider taking different week off….

Any one against this?

All would have to think about using or it won’t really work….

If okay then I will just put a board or calendar in each site in the call room…!?!?





Jen is now on early mat leave which was unplanned.
Kate is our new NP that has been hired but will not be done training till near the end of July!
There will be a small gap in NP coverage so be aware.
Hang in there!

tia/stroke d/c

Greetings all,

Please use the TIA/Stroke d/c summary sheet found in the MD drawers in both ER’s.
Its a great summary sheet and will be super helpfull for us to organize/coordinate stroke /tia care .
It has been passed through ER committee and supported by the Stroke team at MAHC.
It will also help with tracking our MAHC stroke /tia care to maintian our reginal stroke center!

I will likely use it as a d/c sheet for patients too!!

Please let me know if any concerns.



Also – working on simplifying the process for CT’s if possible…outside of “day hours”
stay tuned..

Plastics update to come by email from me as I forwarding Beckys email ( LHIN ed lead)…
Some progress… some
RVH call schedule for July attached too.
I have reached out to Dr Seki again and am awaiting a reply from him re call/help/referrals/etc….


neurosurgery patients

Hi Gang,
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am actively working on the a care plan for neurosurgery patients needing observation/admission…
We had two roadblocks ( in my opinion) to care last week in BB which has lead to many discussions since…..
I am polling a couple other hospitals in our LHIN to see how they handle things too…..
Stay tuned…

extra shifts!

Hi all,

Uxbridge Cottage hospital has an urgent need to cover 4 to midnight this sunday!
they also have 3 uncovered shifts in july and many in august if anyone interested.

Good work, good people and I can set u up with friends there to take care of you!

Just spreading the word.



ps….I make typos in my posts to draw you in!!!
communication strategy!!

pps…the alarm in room 7 is finally on a switch!! Flip it on if you indeed have someone needing a negative pressure room. The negative rpessure fans are always on so this is just an alarm to say if door ajar and system not fully pressurized.
Be sure to tell Angela how this switch is saving your mental sanity!!!

OSMH mentla health meeting

Hi everyone,

I have an upcoming meeting this wednesday with psychaitry , a couple psy hospitalists, and several key admin in OSMH this wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm…

Esther, Debbie, Angela, Nancy, and Kathy are all participating in person or by teleconference.

The purpose of this meeting to help improve our flow of mental health patients./form one patients ( specifically), and open dialogue on many fronts !!

If anyone would like to join in you are more than welcome! I have a list of key issues to discuss but if there is any burning question you want answered please let me know.
Having had a chat with their Lead psy hospitalist on the weekend ( Rose Zacharias) they are not well informed of barriers to care we encounter and they are super keen to work togethor to move forward!!
Let me know if any burning issues. I will report back be weeks end I hope with an update of our discussion on wed.