ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream


Hi everyone,

In looking ahead to the next year there are a few docs who would like to be away for a month or so for a variety of reasons.

In the interest of planning Kirsten and I feel that putting up a master sheet /board/calendar may be a huge aid to not have many overlap leaves if possible.

Individuals can write up the times they are hoping to be away and that then means that it may help avoid many away at one time.

A GOOD EXAMPlE…is if I know that 3 docs are away at the same time ( say even for a week) then rather taking the same week of I would /could consider taking different week off….

Any one against this?

All would have to think about using or it won’t really work….

If okay then I will just put a board or calendar in each site in the call room…!?!?




  1. Kirsten Jewell says:

    Just to clarify this isn’t meant to be a way of limiting vacation or monitoring how much vacation people are taking, and writing your name down wouldn’t mean the requests are set in stone, it would just be useful to know what everyone is planning in advance so we (especially those of us in couples both working in the ER) don’t accidentally book time off all at once!

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