ED Muskoka Physicians - Living the Dream


Hi all, good group chat this am. Sorry if you couldn’t make it.

If you have questions please ask one of us that was on the call (Evan, Kelly, Deb, Emma, Adam, Heather, Nelson, Jeff, Mike, Kirsten, Stacey) as we can share group brain with you.

Tuesday – heads up – a patient with COVID intubation sim – Dr Jewell and Dr Smith…!! Great SIM . Thank you both in advance.

Allyson Snelling just resent the simcoe muskoka update and the MAHC community test site info about again this am to the emails she has for all Md’s. If you didn’t; get from her please contact with what email you want on these…then you should get all future updates.

Just spoke to Allyson some are easy fixes and some are not.

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